PX to Rem Converter


The calculation is based on a base font size of 16 pixels:


How to Use PX to REM Converter?

Converting pixel values to REM units is mainly needed in modern web development, especially if you're creating responsive user-interfaces using CSS.

REM units are dynamic in nature, automatically adjust text size, and maintain the proportional relationship between elements on the page. What if we offer you a tool that does text, or typography conversion instantly and bidirectionally?

To create scalable typography, add the px value to the px input field; the Rem box will show you the converted rem value without even clicking on any button.

How to Convert 18 pixel to rem?

In order to make text size scalable, let's convert 18 pixels to REM nits.

Step 1: Rem = px / font-size(base font-size = 16 px)

Step 2: Rem = 18 / 16 = 1.125

Step 3: 18px = 1.125 rem

Now 18px is equal to 1.125rem

Rem units are relative to a single base font size, the converted font size will remain consistent across the different browsers and screen sizes.

However, if you want the shortest and easiest way, you can use our tool to convert pixel values to rem units.

PX vs. REM

In CSS, a pixel, or px, is an absolute unit of measurement. The main problem lies in px; its size stays stagnenet on various screen resolutions, and as a result, it creates accessibility barriers in user-interfaces.

Rem, (root-em), is a unit of measurement. It gives you more flexibility when it comes to creating scalable and responsive typography. It calculates text size based on the base font-size, and sovles accessibility barriers issue with its flexible and dynamic nature. Therefore, REM is the first choice for web developers seeking to make their content scalable.

Common PX to REM Conversion Table

Pixels Rem Pixels Rem
1 px 0.0625 rem 2 px 0.125 rem
3 px 0.1875 rem 4 px 0.25 rem
5 px 0.3125 rem 6 px 0.375 rem
7 px 0.4375 rem 8 px 0.5 rem
9 px 0.5625 rem 10 px 0.625 rem
11 px 0.6875 rem 12 px 0.75 rem
13 px 0.8125 rem 14 px 0.875 rem
15 px 0.9375 rem 16 px 1 rem
17 px 1.0625 rem 18 px 1.125 rem
19 px 1.1875 rem 20 px 1.25 rem
21 px 1.3125 rem 22 px 1.375 rem
23 px 1.4375 rem 24 px 1.5 rem
25 px 1.5625 rem 26 px 1.625 rem
27 px 1.6875 rem 28 px 1.75 rem
29 px 1.8125 rem 30 px 1.875 rem
31 px 1.9375 rem 32 px 2 rem
33 px 2.0625 rem 34 px 2.125 rem
35 px 2.1875 rem 36 px 2.25 rem
37 px 2.3125 rem 38 px 2.375 rem
39 px 2.4375 rem 40 px 2.5 rem
41 px 2.5625 rem 42 px 2.625 rem
43 px 2.6875 rem 44 px 2.75 rem
45 px 2.8125 rem 46 px 2.875 rem
47 px 2.9375 rem 48 px 3 rem
49 px 3.0625 rem 50 px 3.125 rem
51 px 3.1875 rem 52 px 3.25 rem
53 px 3.3125 rem 54 px 3.375 rem
55 px 3.4375 rem 56 px 3.5 rem
57 px 3.5625 rem 58 px 3.625 rem
59 px 3.6875 rem 60 px 3.75 rem
61 px 3.8125 rem 62 px 3.875 rem
63 px 3.9375 rem 64 px 4 rem
65 px 4.0625 rem 66 px 4.125 rem
67 px 4.1875 rem 68 px 4.25 rem
69 px 4.3125 rem 70 px 4.375 rem
71 px 4.4375 rem 72 px 4.5 rem
73 px 4.5625 rem 74 px 4.625 rem
75 px 4.6875 rem 76 px 4.75 rem
77 px 4.8125 rem 78 px 4.875 rem
79 px 4.9375 rem 80 px 5 rem
81 px 5.0625 rem 82 px 5.125 rem
83 px 5.1875 rem 84 px 5.25 rem
85 px 5.3125 rem 86 px 5.375 rem
87 px 5.4375 rem 88 px 5.5 rem
89 px 5.5625 rem 90 px 5.625 rem
91 px 5.6875 rem 92 px 5.75 rem
93 px 5.8125 rem 94 px 5.875 rem
95 px 5.9375 rem 96 px 6 rem
97 px 6.0625 rem 98 px 6.125 rem
99 px 6.1875 rem 100 px 6.25 rem
101 px 6.3125 rem 102 px 6.375 rem
103 px 6.4375 rem 104 px 6.5 rem
105 px 6.5625 rem 106 px 6.625 rem
107 px 6.6875 rem 108 px 6.75 rem
109 px 6.8125 rem 110 px 6.875 rem
111 px 6.9375 rem 112 px 7 rem
113 px 7.0625 rem 114 px 7.125 rem
115 px 7.1875 rem 116 px 7.25 rem
117 px 7.3125 rem 118 px 7.375 rem
119 px 7.4375 rem 120 px 7.5 rem